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Doctorate in Business Administration
Professional research training is offered in the DBA or PhD cycle.
The modules are taught by school professors and recognized professionals who put their research experience at the service of students. The DBA cycle aims to extend bac +5 level training (Master, MBA or equivalent qualifications) for 3 additional years.
Specializing in management, entrepreneurship, digital marketing and sustainable development, our program is also opening a department dedicated to new markets, particularly in cultural business management sciences (luxury professions and cultural tourism).
General presentation of the DBA/PHD
This training consists of writing a professional thesis.
The teachers support and direct you individuallyor in small groups of students with the same professional objective (professional seminars).
Teachers help you build a set of strategies to develop an analysis of your practice professional, deepen the technical aspects (knowledge and know-how) and your organizational skills within your professional activity.
It is also a question, thanks to the corporate experiences in management activities of your teachers, of clearly understanding the state of your transversal skills, your personality, your business skills to show themselves capable of highlighting it, during interviews, and/or developing it further through internal and external mobility (promotion and transfer).

Duration: 3 years


In French
or in French

6 semesters

Exit level: Bac+8 equivalent

180 ECTS

4 specialties

Accessible training
for people with disabilities.
Contact our representative.
Our program is aimed at:
for students wishing to professionalize their knowledge.
for professionals wishing to question and deepen their practices.
Our program is aimed at students wishing to professionalize their knowledge as well as professionals wishing to problematize and conceptualize their daily practice.
Professional research is at the heart of the identity of our school, of our attention and an essential objective which must accompany the student or professional from their first year within IS-DBA.
The 5 specialties offered contribute to the achievement of this objective, oriented towards the student's professional future or career change.
The 4 specialties offered aim to enable everyone to achieve their professional objective.
The DBA/PhD doctoral cycle was created to organize and finalize the course.
Management and business creationEvery business creation project starts with an idea.Whether it arises from experience, know-how, creativity or a simple combination of circumstances, the idea often takes the form of an intuition or a desire which deepens and matures with time. time. The specialty “Research in management and business creation” consists of translating into concrete, legal, financial and human terms, the elements to be brought together to ensure the profitability of a creative project. The different choices made concerning the nature of your product or your service, the way of exploiting your market and the management of your business require developing certain skills, both technical and transversal. The feasibility and viability of your project may depend on the existence of constraints. Depending on your project, you will have to coordinate the legal and administrative requirements (prior operating approval, professional qualification, specific security rules (ERP), health and safety rules, ethical rules, etc.) the environment both external (first marketing and e-marketing strategies) and internal (human resources management and established management). Whatever your activity, you will have to choose whether to declare your activity as an individual entrepreneur, or to create a company. Then, you will have to choose a legal structure adapted to your project. Any decision will result in a certain number of tax, social and financial consequences, which must be carefully studied. The nature of the activity; the desire to associate; heritage organization; financial commitment; the operation of the business; the social regime of the entrepreneur; the tax regime of the entrepreneur and the company; the credibility of the company vis-à-vis partners (bankers, customers, suppliers, etc.): all these elements, problematized, planned in detail, processed and structured by an adapted methodology, constitute a separate research project entire, the first stages of any entrepreneur's thesis. Professions targeted for this specialty Any entrepreneurial profession. Advisor/consultant in business creation, corporate legal advisor; HR manager; Administrative and financial director; business takeover advisor; territorial developer; mission manager; business developer; start-up support project manager.
Digital marketing and new technologiesThis training aims to train technical experts using digital tools in the field of Management Sciences. It mainly targets the digital marketing professions, but also those in IT logistics and computational finance, it can also contribute to the training of analysts in business strategies. This specialty is mainly aimed at holders of a diploma in IT, digital marketing, IT applied to management sciences wishing to extend their training in order to develop high-level technical expertise. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is accompanied by the creation of new professions, new products, and modes of governance, and the progressive transformation of management sciences as they existed in the 20th century. This trend is accelerating exponentially. New skills are required both in Marketing and in other areas of management and business management, as well as IT concepts applied to Management Sciences and in particular Data Mining, the professional use of social networks (Wechat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Weibo), but also statistics and econometrics using computer programs. Technological, economic and competitive monitoring occupies a central place in this specialty. It is not only necessary to keep informed of technological innovations and company strategies, but also to develop an in-depth knowledge of new consumers, this generation of millennials, the preferred target of digital marketing. Professions targeted for this specialty Responsible for communications; Media Plan Manager; Social Media Optimization Consultant; Web Marketer; digital marketing manager; Special Media Manager; Community Manager;
Risk modeling and analysisThe risk modeling and analysis specialty is training in applied mathematics and applications of mathematics aimed at deepening the technical skills necessary for analysts operating in the logistics, finance, or business strategy sectors. Many holders of a Master's degree in finance, logistics, management sciences, business management have a level of mathematical skills limited to fundamental notions allowing the modeling of simple phenomena. Complex modeling is based on mathematical notions rarely taught outside of mathematics courses. We can cite for example chaotic dynamics, fractal modeling, non-frequentist probabilities. This specialty is therefore at the crossroads of mathematics, economics (micro and macro) and management, operational research and geography. Research topics focus on logistics, mathematical finance or business strategies. This specialization gives a central place to risk analysis. This is based on the collection and processing of statistical data, probability calculation, game theory, econometrics, stochastic dynamic optimization, and to a certain extent on geopolitics, international relations, climate change , natural and industrial risks. Finance is first presented based on the work of Benoit Mandelbrot and Robert King Merton. A good understanding of contemporary issues in financial markets (cryptocurrencies, machine learning, high-frequency trading algorithms, etc.) is also necessary. Professions targeted for this specialty Responsible for international purchasing; sales director; risk manager; Financial Analyst; operational logistics manager…
Economic, sustainable, local and international developmentThe Economic, Sustainable, Local and International Development specialty aims to participate in the training of future executives in transnational companies, or international business consultants, but also local and sustainable development consultants, employees of NGOs, associations in non-profit and cooperatives, or even executives in local authorities. Deregulated economic globalization in which specialization, the international division of labor and free competition reign (according to the paradigms of classical economists) is increasingly contested by both a green alter-globalization left and an identity-based right. In many countries, this protest leads to a return to protectionism, a desire to reduce social inequalities, a return to local cultures and production, to local markets. However, the small local producer always seeks to expand its market, particularly internationally. Far from political and ideological debates, the Economic, Sustainable, Local and International Environment specialty seeks to provide technical legal expertise (local government law, public economic law, international trade law, environmental law), economic (global economy, economics of sustainable development, economics of local development) and politics (international relations, regional planning, sustainable development policies). Climate change and the limited nature of natural resources require the search for a balance between economic performance on global markets and respect for the natural environment, territories and local cultures. Professions targeted for this specialty Public and institutional communications manager, local cultural and ecological association, local public administration project manager, transnational business development manager, international negotiator
Program and unit grids
Unit 1 is a research methodological training unit.
Unit 2is a unit of professional specialization.
Unit 3 is a unit of disciplinary development made up of knowledge and skills that should be expected of a holder of a DBA in their field of specialization (for example advanced mathematical models for the Finance and risk analysis specialty).
Unit 4 is a unit which brings together professional field practice (internship, salaried employment, business creation) and individual research work (project, dissertation, thesis).
We have favored a biannual distribution of modules around 6 semesters of 200 hours of training and 200 hours of professional practice.
Each semester is awarded with 30 ECTS. The DBA corresponds to the validation of 180 ECTS.
Seminars are organized every evening of the week.
It is obligatory to participate in at least two seminars per month.
UE1: Research methodology
Field survey method
Literature review
UE2: Professional skills
Preparing for the recruitment process
Market analysis (course and workshop)
Professional project
UE3: Disciplinary in-depth study
UE4: Support for the research project professional and professional experiences*
*Internship, salaried employment, or business creation